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本帖最后由 hoebec 于 2021-1-18 19:22 编辑
- @echo off
- title Image-JPG
- Setlocal Enabledelayedexpansion
- Set str=%1
- :str
- if not defined str Set /p "str=Image file/folder:"
- if not defined str goto str
- dir /ad %str% >nul 2>nul&&goto dir||goto file
- exit
- :dir
- if not exist !str!\ exit
- echo convert image folder
- cd /d %str%
- Set qua=90
- Set /p qua=compression ratio(default/90):
- echo convert image files to jpg%qua% directory
- if not exist %str%-jpg%qua% mkdir %str%-jpg%qua%
- %~dp0\mogrify -path %str%-jpg%qua% -format jpg -quality %qua% *.*
- Set /p exitinfo=done..
- exit
- :file
- if not exist !str! exit
- echo convert image file
- Set qua=90
- Set /p qua=compression ratio(default/90):
- echo convert %str% to jpg%qua% file
- for %%a in (!str!) do (
- %~dp0\convert !str! -format jpg -quality %qua% "%%~dpna-jpg%qua%.jpg")
- Set /p exitinfo=done..
- exit
- @echo off
- title Image-PNG
- Setlocal Enabledelayedexpansion
- Set str=%1
- :str
- if not defined str Set /p "str=Image file/folder:"
- if not defined str goto str
- dir /ad %str% >nul 2>nul&&goto dir||goto file
- exit
- :dir
- if not exist !str!\ exit
- echo convert image folder
- cd /d %str%
- Set qua=75
- Set /p qua=compression level(default/75):
- echo convert image files to png%qua% directory
- if not exist %str%-png%qua% mkdir %str%-png%qua%
- %~dp0\mogrify -path %str%-png%qua% -format png -quality %qua% *.*
- Set /p exitinfo=done..
- exit
- :file
- if not exist !str! exit
- echo convert image file
- Set qua=75
- Set /p qua=compression level(default/75):
- echo convert %str% to png%qua% file
- for %%a in (!str!) do (
- %~dp0\convert !str! -format png -quality %qua% "%%~dpna-png%qua%.png")
- Set /p exitinfo=done..
- exit
- @echo off
- title Image-Resize
- Setlocal Enabledelayedexpansion
- Set str=%1
- :str
- if not defined str Set /p "str=Image file/folder:"
- if not defined str goto str
- if not exist %str%\ goto file
- :dir
- echo resize image folder
- cd /d %str%
- Set ext=jpg
- Set /p ext=new file type(default/jpg):
- Set qua=90
- Set /p qua=quality(default/90):
- Set rs=x1000
- Set /p rs=image resize setting(1000/x1000,default/x1000):
- if not exist %str%-%rs%-%ext%%qua% mkdir %str%-%rs%-%ext%%qua%
- echo convert image files to %rs%-%ext%%qua% directory
- %~dp0\mogrify -path %str%-%rs%-%ext%%qua% -resize %rs% -format %ext% -quality %qua% *.*
- Set /p exitinfo=done..
- exit
- :file
- if not exist %str% exit
- echo resize image file
- Set ext=jpg
- Set /p ext=new file type(default/jpg):
- Set qua=90
- Set /p qua=quality(default/90):
- Set rs=x1000
- Set /p rs=image resize setting(1000/x1000,default/x1000):
- for %%a in (!str!) do (
- echo convert %%~nxa to %rs%-%ext%%qua% file
- %~dp0\convert !str! -resize %rs% -format %ext% -quality %qua% "%%~dpna-%rs%-%ext%%qua%.!ext!")
- Set /p exitinfo=done..
- exit
- @echo off
- title Image-Rotate
- Setlocal Enabledelayedexpansion
- Set str=%1
- :str
- if not defined str Set /p "str=Image file/folder:"
- if not defined str goto str
- if not exist %str%\ goto file
- :dir
- echo rotate image folder
- cd /d %str%
- Set ext=jpg
- Set /p ext=new file type(default/jpg):
- Set qua=90
- Set /p qua=quality(default/90):
- Set bg=none
- Set /p bg=background color(default/none):
- Set rt=90
- Set /p rt=image rotation degree(90/-90,default/90):
- if not exist %str%-r%rt%-%ext%%qua% mkdir %str%-r%rt%-%ext%%qua%
- echo convert image files to r%rt%-%ext%%qua% directory
- %~dp0\mogrify -path %str%-r%rt%-%ext%%qua% -background %bg% -rotate %rt% -format %ext% -quality %qua% *.*
- Set /p exitinfo=done..
- exit
- :file
- if not exist %str% exit
- echo rotate image file
- Set ext=jpg
- Set /p ext=new file type(default/jpg):
- Set qua=90
- Set /p qua=quality(default/90):
- Set bg=none
- Set /p bg=background color(default/none):
- Set rt=90
- Set /p rt=image rotation degree(90/-90,default/90):
- for %%a in (!str!) do (
- echo convert %%~nxa to r%rt%-%ext%%qua% file
- %~dp0\convert !str! -background %bg% -rotate %rt% -format %ext% -quality %qua% "%%~dpna-r%rt%-%ext%%qua%.!ext!")
- Set /p exitinfo=done..
- exit
- ' 2>nul&cls&@echo off
- ' 2>nul&title Watermark
- ' 2>nul&Setlocal Enabledelayedexpansion
- ' 2>nul&Set /p "Input=Image file/folder:"
- ' 2>nul&Set /p "Water=Watermark txt/image:"
- ' 2>nul&start "" Wscript.exe %0 %Input% %Water% //Nologo //e:vbs &exit
- Set objFSO = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
- Set WshShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
- Set RE = CreateObject("vbscript.RegExp")
- Input = wscript.arguments(0)
- Water = wscript.arguments(1)
- Font="msyh.ttf"
- Size=15
- Color="red"
- BgColor="none"
- Width=300
- Opacity=50
- Ext="png"
- Pos="-gravity southeast -geometry +25+25"
- If LCase(objFSO.GetExtensionName(Water))="txt" Then
- Font = Inputbox("Font Path:",,Font)
- Size = Inputbox("Font Size:",,Size)
- Color = Inputbox("Font Color:",,Color)
- BgColor = Inputbox("Bg Color:",,BgColor)
- Width = Inputbox("Watermark Width:",,Width)
- End If
- Opacity = Inputbox("Opacity:",,Opacity)
- Ext = Inputbox("Output Ext:",,Ext)
- Pos = Inputbox("Watermark Position:",,Pos)
- If Font<>EMPTY Then FontPara="-font """&Font&""""
- If Opacity<>EMPTY Then Compos="-compose dissolve -define compose:args="&Opacity
- If objFSO.FileExists(Input) Then Output=objFSO.GetParentFolderName(Input)&"\"&objFSO.GetBaseName(Input)&"-watermarked."&Ext
- If objFSO.FolderExists(Input) Then
- Output=Input&"-watermarked"
- If not objFSO.FolderExists(Output) Then objFSO.createFolder(Output)
- End If
- If LCase(objFSO.GetExtensionName(Water))="txt" Then
- WatermarkImage=objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(2)&"\watermark.png"
- WaterText=objFSO.OpenTextFile(Water,1,false,true).ReadAll
- RE.Global = True
- RE.MultiLine = True
- RE.IgnoreCase = True
- RE.Pattern = chr(34)
- WaterText=RE.Replace(WaterText,chr(34)&chr(34))
- RE.Pattern = chr(37)
- WaterText=RE.Replace(WaterText,chr(37)&chr(37))
- WshShell.run "convert -background """&Bgcolor&""" -fill """&Color&""" -pointsize "&Size&" -size "&Width&" "&FontPara&" caption:"""&WaterText&""" +antialias -flatten -trim "&WatermarkImage&"",0,true
- Else
- WatermarkImage=Water
- End If
- WaterSpace=objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(2)&"\colorspace"
- If objFSO.FileExists(Input) Then
- WatermarkImage=chr(34)&WatermarkImage&chr(34)
- Input=chr(34)&Input&chr(34)
- Output=chr(34)&Output&chr(34)
- WshShell.Run "cmd /c identify -format %[colorspace] "&Input&">"&WaterSpace&"",0,true
- CS="-colorspace "&objFSO.OpenTextFile(WaterSpace,1,false,false).ReadLine
- WshShell.Run "composite "&CS&" "&Pos&" "&Compos&" "&WatermarkImage&" "&Input&" "&Output&"",0,true
- objFSO.DeleteFile(WaterSpace)
- End If
- If objFSO.FolderExists(Input) Then
- WatermarkImage=chr(34)&WatermarkImage&chr(34)
- For Each i in objFSO.GetFolder(Input).files
- Inputfile=i.path
- Outputfile=Output&"\"&objFSO.GetBaseName(i)&"."&Ext
- Inputfile=chr(34)&Inputfile&chr(34)
- Outputfile=chr(34)&Outputfile&chr(34)
- WshShell.Run "cmd /c identify -format %[colorspace] "&Inputfile&">"&WaterSpace&"",0,true
- CS="-colorspace "&objFSO.OpenTextFile(WaterSpace,1,false,false).ReadLine
- WshShell.Run "composite "&CS&" "&Pos&" "&Compos&" "&WatermarkImage&" "&Inputfile&" "&Outputfile&"",0,true
- objFSO.DeleteFile(WaterSpace)
- Next
- End If
- Wscript.Echo "Done"
- @echo off
- title ClipBoard-Image
- Setlocal Enabledelayedexpansion
- Set hour=%time:~0,2%
- for /l %%i in (0,1,9) do (if %time:~0,2%==%%i Set hour=0%%i)
- Set scrtime=%date:~0,4%%date:~5,2%%date:~8,2%_%hour%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%
- Set scrfolder=%HOMEPATH%\Pictures\ScreenShot
- if not exist %scrfolder% mkdir %scrfolder%
- %~dp0\convert clipboard:myimage %scrfolder%\%scrtime%.png
- @echo off
- title Image-geometry
- Setlocal Enabledelayedexpansion
- Set str=%1
- :str
- if not defined str Set /p "str=Image file/folder:"
- if not defined str goto str
- if not exist %str%\ exit
- cd /d %str%
- Set ext=jpg
- Set /p ext=new file type(default/jpg):
- Set qua=90
- Set /p qua=quality(default/90):
- Set bg=none
- Set /p bg=background color(default/none):
- Set lati=1
- Set /p lati=horizontal image number(default/1):
- Set longi=1
- Set /p longi=vertical image number(default/1):
- echo geometry image files to %ext%%qua%-%lati%-%longi%.!ext!
- for %%a in (!str!) do (
- %~dp0\montage *.* -background %bg% -geometry +0+0 -tile %lati%x%longi% -format %ext% -quality %qua% "%%~dpna-%ext%%qua%-%lati%-%longi%.!ext!")
- Set /p exitinfo=done..
- exit
- @echo off
- title Image-transparent
- Setlocal Enabledelayedexpansion
- Set str=%1
- :str
- if not defined str Set /p "str=Image file/folder:"
- if not defined str goto str
- dir /ad %str% >nul 2>nul&&goto dir||goto file
- exit
- :dir
- if not exist !str!\ exit
- echo convert image folder
- cd /d %str%
- Set color=white
- Set /p color=discard color(default/white):
- echo convert image files to transparent-%color% directory
- if not exist %str%-transparent-%color% mkdir %str%-transparent-%color%
- %~dp0\mogrify -path %str%-transparent-%color% -transparent %color% *.*
- Set /p exitinfo=done..
- exit
- :file
- if not exist !str! exit
- echo convert image file
- Set color=white
- Set /p color=discard color(default/white):
- for %%a in (!str!) do (
- echo convert %%~nxa to transparent-%color% file
- %~dp0\convert !str! -transparent %color% "%%~dpna-transparent-%color%.png")
- Set /p exitinfo=done..
- exit
使某种颜色的区域变透明(假装可以批量去水印/抠图) |